GESCI is implementing a unique initiative on whole-school integration of ICTs in teaching and learning in 80 secondary schools in Kenya reaching out to 800 teachers and 80 school principals.
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The 5th Biannual Meeting of Member States in Charge of Education/Higher Education on the Implementation of the Djibouti Declaration on Education for Refugees, Returnees and Host Communities
The objectives of the meeting included: Assessing the progress and status of Djibouti Declaration (DD) and Plan of Action in next 2-5 years; sharing national education response plans of member states; identifying challenges and funding and generating recommendations for the 3rd Conference of IGAD…
Expert Working Group validates training modules- Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania; 24th - 26th June , 2019. The Education Specialist and the African Digital Schools Initiative (ADSI) Programme implementation team in Tanzania convened a workshop with the Expert Working Group(EWG) which consists of members from the Tanzania Institute of Education, Ministry…
Mid Term Review Conducted for Three Projects across Africa
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GESCI to develop Post-Graduate Degree in partnership with the Pan African University Institute of Water and Energy Sciences (PAUWES)
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ADSI schools short-listed for the Young Scientists Exhibition
10 Secondary Schools implementing the ADSI Programme in Kenya have been short-listed to present their projects at the national Young Scientists Kenya (YSK) event from 6th – 9th August, 2019. The schools include Timbila Boys, Canon Kituri Secondary School and Dr Aggrey Secondary School from Taita…
Ecole Numérique d'Excellence Africaine (ENEA) “e-Enabled” Certification
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GESCI Issues more laptops to secondary schools in Tanzania
GESCI issues second batch of laptops to 40 secondary schools in the Pwani and Morogoro regions of the United Republic of Tanzania. This ceremony was preceded by a training for heads of the secondary schools aimed at ensuring the schools get to the e-confident level in the Digital Schools of…
Continental Education Strategy for Africa (CESA) Clusters Meeting
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 22 -23rd April 2019: The African Union in partnership with various Educational Institutions and organizations in Africa held a two day meeting to carry out a stock take of activities implemented by the CESA Clusters. GESCI chairs the ICT in Education cluster which is in line…
Advanced ICT Training for teachers in Kiambu and Nyamira Counties in Kenya
400 teachers undergo face to face training in bid to encourage usage of ICTs in teaching and learning.