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Teachers Training Conducted in Morogoro Tanzania

Morogoro: GESCI conducted training for 200 teachers of Science Technology English & Mathematics (STEM) and other subjects from 20 secondary schools in Morogoro Tanzania. This is the third phase of training under the African Digital Schools Initiative (ADSI) Programme which commenced in January…

Regional Education Leaders Meeting held in Narok County, Kenya

GESCI held a successful meeting with education stakeholders and principals from schools implementing the ADSI Programme in Narok County, Kenya. The ADSI programme model incorporates capacity building for teachers using the ICT Competency Framework for Teacher Professional Development, Technology…

Ecole Numérique d'Excellence Africaine (ENEA) Programme Partners Meeting

The Ministry of National Education and Technical Training of Côte d’Ivoire, together with GESCI (Global e-Schools and Communities Initiative), met to review the implementation of ENEA; to propose strategies to sustain the programme in Côte d’Ivoire and to review the progress and experience of ENEA…

Regional Education Leaders Meeting held in Nyamira County, Kenya

GESCI held a successful meeting with education stakeholders and principals from schools implementing the ADSI Programme in Nyamira County, Kenya. The ADSI programme model incorporates capacity building for teachers using the ICT Competency Framework for Teacher Professional Development, Technology…

Regional Education Leaders Meeting held in Kiambu County, Kenya

GESCI held a successful meeting with education stakeholders and principals from schools implementing the ADSI Programme in Kiambu County, Kenya. The ADSI programme model incorporates capacity building for teachers using the ICT Competency Framework for Teacher Professional Development, Technology…

Teachers trained on coding in 4 counties in Kenya

School Based Coordinators for the African Digital Schools Initiative (ADSI) Programme are undergoing on Computational Design Thinking which they will expose to their students who should be able to come up with coding projects.

Project Coordinators trained on coding using Arduino & Scratch

The African Digital Schools Initiative (ADSI) team in Kenya has been trained on enhancement of 21st Century Skills through coding. The training, facilitated by iEARN saw the team introduced to the Arduino environment and kit and as well text based coding using Arduino and Scratch technologies. …

Over 400 teachers complete Phase Two of Training in Tanzania

Teachers from 40 secondary schools in Morogoro and Pwani regions of Tanzania have been awarded certificates for successfully completing the second cycle of the African Digital Schools Initiative (ADSI) professional development course.400 teachers started the training in January 2017 and expected…

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