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GESCI Conducts training for School Leaders from 80 secondary schools in Kenya

School leaders from the four selected counties in Kenya were taken through training by the GESCI technical team comprising of the Senior Education Specialist, ADSI Project Manager Kenya and the four project coordinators.
On 21st April, the GESCI technical team conducted training for 320 school leaders from 80 secondary schools in Kenya. This is part of the implementation process for the African Digital Schools Initiative (ADSI) project. The training, conducted in three cohorts, comprised of school principals, deputy principals and heads of the Board of Management (BOM) and the Parents Teachers Association(PTA) from the counties of Kiambu, Taita Taveta,Nyamira and Narok in Kenya. The training provided an opportunity to review the status of the schools in five domains using the Digital Schools Distinction (DSD) indicators and the also the priorities and SWOT Analysis based on the plans developed in November 2016 during the first school leaders training. Through the training, the school leaders developed an ICT integration vision for the whole school, they reviewed and prioritized domains that will help them achieve the Digital Schools of Distinction (DSD) Status, they developed an action plan that they will work through to achieve (DSD).

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