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Rajasthan Education Initiative (REI)

Multi-stakeholders partnership coordination for ICT in Education

Working with the Rajasthan Education Initiative GESCI helped in the critical element of documenting the entire process of set up and implementation and the lessons learnt. GESCI provided strategic advice and helped to develop effective institutionalized mechanisms for long term growth. The setting up of the vision document, the survey of schools in Rajasthan, the development of the Base Paper and the Review Report provided important lessons for future initiatives of a similar kind. 

The first interim internal report was the Base Paper prepared by GESCI for the Govt of Rajasthan. The

document reviewed partner MOUs, the outreach of the Rajasthan Education Initiative  programmes and the strategies used by the govt to use the Rajasthan Education Initiative  as a vehicle to achieve its educational goals. 

It proposed new partnership areas and models along with institutional and implementation frameworks and guidelines for the Rajasthan Education Initiative . Innovative inputs for creating new models also came from co partners who had practical on field experience of working with teachers in the schools of Rajasthan.

The second interim internal report i.e the Monitoring and Evaluation Framework was prepared by GESCI. A

Concept Paper was also developed on the Monitoring and Evaluation process. A Logical Framework Analysis (LFA) Matrix was developed for the Rajasthan Education Initiative  and its programmes carried out by the co-partners. The LFA proposed a set of indicators for the Initiative as a whole and for the individual programmes of co-partners. It also addressed some post-MOU issues that were emerging with regard to implementation. Both reports are available from the GoR and GESCI.

The Rajasthan Education Initiative serves as an umbrella under which innovative multi-stakeholder

partnerships are catalyzed by engaging the global and local private sector, foundations and charitable

organizations and other grass root level NGOs in support of Rajasthan’s education objectives.

The main education objectives identified for Rajasthan by its Government were:

  • Access – 100% enrollment in primary education by 2010, 100% enrollment in secondary education
  • by 2020;
  • Retention – increase in numbers finishing primary school by 100% by 2010 and for secondary to
  • considerably higher levels;
  • Girls’ Education – increase access and retention of girls in primary to near 100% levels;
  • Enable them to lead productive lives with employment opportunities;
  • Empowering for a Global Knowledge Economy – expanding curriculum to provide ICT skills to
  • secondary school students, and to enable formation of human capital for the economy.

Related Files

A Review of the Rajasthan Education Initiative (REI)

At Publication in 2009, the project was still considered a work-in-progress. This ‘public report’ was not an end-of-project, summative evaluation. Rather, it was intended as a description of general lessons learned by project stakeholders within a larger community of interest.


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