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Expert Working Group validates training modules- Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania; 24th - 26th June , 2019. The Education Specialist and the African Digital Schools Initiative (ADSI) Programme implementation team in Tanzania convened a workshop with the Expert Working Group(EWG) which consists of members  from the Tanzania Institute of Education, Ministry of Education, University of Dar es-Salaam and Teacher Training Colleges (TTCs). The team validated modules for the Knowledge Creation cycle of training. Participants recognised ADSI as a unique and innovative model for schools in Tanzania hence requested GESCI to scale up the project in as many schools as possible.The ADSI technical team used feedback to track changes in the module contents to suit the Tanzania context. 400 teachers will start training on module two of the Knowledge Deepening Cycle of training in ADSI. The ADSI Project is under implementation in 40 secondary schools in Pwani and Morogoro Regions in Tanzania.

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